When you’re running a business of your own, you already have a lot on your plate. Finding out that someone is suing your business can understandably stress you out, but you don’t have to deal with legal issues like this on your own. A Bergen County business litigation lawyer from our firm can help you respond to lawsuits and defend your company.

What Are Common Reasons For Suing a Business?

There are many good reasons for suing a business. Common disputes include:

  • Product liability claims
  • Debt collections
  • Premises liability claims
  • Partnership disputes
  • Breach of contract
  • Accusations of fraud
  • Libel or slander accusations

What Should I Do When I Find Out Someone is Suing?

First, you should confirm the named defendants. Your business is named, but you might be named as well. It’s good to know if you are personally being sued because that can affect what you should do next.

Once you have confirmed who is being sued, you’ll want to gather up any records that are relevant to this plaintiff and this case. That means putting together documents like:

  • E-mails and other correspondence
  • Contracts
  • Receipts
  • Anything else that could be relevant

Don’t try to pick and choose what is important. Your lawyer can sort through everything and find just what they need to help you build a defense.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

You should have a lawyer in a situation like this. Responding to a case on your own is risky. There are also deadlines to keep track of and a lot of paperwork to take care of. Do you want to risk missing an important court date or take energy away from your business to focus on this case? Probably not. So let an experienced lawyer from our firm help you protect what you have built.

Will This Case Go to Trial?

It could. Once you have been sued and responded, you may be able to negotiate a settlement. You could also find that there is good reason to counter-sue the plaintiff. Every case is different, so yours may go to trial if an agreement cannot be reached.

Going to trial can be risky, but there are some potential benefits. If you were ready to settle and have to go to trial instead, you could end up winning and owing nothing to the plaintiff. A trial also means a public record. If this was a frivolous claim, your victory could prevent someone from suing others in the same way. Your lawyer can advise you about settlements and trials so that you can be ready for just about anything.

Contact Our Law Firm Today

If you have more questions about what a business litigation lawyer can do for you, contact the Law Offices of Colin M. Quinn. We can schedule a consultation with our legal team and tell you more about how we can help you stand up for your business when others are suing you.